First of all, how about that Don? A marathon in less than four hours and in a shirt he had to buy himself. I did try to be your official outfitter but ran into a snag. I had the 2010 Nike Catalog from the tennis shop at Indian Springs and picked out this cool shirt which was unlike anything I had ever seen -- various shades of orange and yellow in this cool fade pattern. It was groovy, but they wouldn't be available until January. So maybe next year. You did look good in your yellow.
Now to the Cardinals in the playoffs: If you blinked you missed it, but the Cub fans would certainly know that. How did that Milton Bradley thing work out for you guys? Carpenter and Wainwright pitched back to back games on 19 occasions this year and in 17 of those the Cards won at least one time. Two times they didn't and one was last week.
Monica Update: The surgery was on the 5th and she is doing great. She is not quite up and around yet, but getting closer every day. She sat at the dinner table with us last night for a roast which Tanner cooked and served himself. It was great; he did a tremendous job. Monica is at that point in her recovery where she no longer feels bad, yet doesn't quite feel good. It's a limbo she is not enjoying. She has yet to get on her laptop for work, and get this -- she has not even turned on her cell phone! But it's coming. Thanks to all for the well wishes. I have passed along each and every one. And thanks for the flowers.
The Nilsson Cup Golf Challenge: Ty and I are now two time defending champs. It is getting so bad that Tom and Kerry are looking for different sports to try. Bowling has been suggested. They must not know how many kid's birthday parties I go to at the local alley. Plus, any sport you can play whille drinking beer gives Ty and me an advantage.
Tanner is seriously considering the priesthood. That will signal the end of me sneaking out at Communion. I told him priests have to take a vow of poverty and he said not parish priests. So that means he has already looked into that. He is one of the more materialistic people you will happen to run across. Try buying tennis shoes with him. Regardless, I am 100% behind him. He will also be the best signing priest around. We have a video of his performance at the talent show and are trying to figure a way to get it off his dad's stick drive and onto the web.
I went yesterday to teachers' meetings at the school for Drew and Blake and was told by all teachers that I have two very smart and entertaining kids. To which I replied, "No Duh!" Drew seems to talk alot in class (Again with the not being surprised) while Blakey has read more books so far this year than any other student in the school.
Speaking of Blake, we had a team of 45 Super Heroes for the JDRF walk this year. The weather was great and a good time was had by all. Thanks to all for the pledges and the moral support.
Finally, The Redemption of Chance is now available in hard cover. I am working with a local bookstore to stock it and sell them at a book signing at Indian Springs. If I can put this all together, I will follow up with the lady in Eville and see if she would still be interested in hosting one there. The Sombrero Beach Club is making the rounds with publishers. Nothing yet.
Go Irish! Go Purdue students rooting for the Irish! And tonight watch Tu hosting Boise State. I will not be at the game -- I get to go to an NBA pre season game between the OKC Thunder and the Washington Generals or somebody -- but we are going to the TU Tail Gaters before hand.
My best to all . . . Tom