HI Tom - oooh boy am I excited to share some of this info! There are lots of sources and lots of conflicting information, but I will give you what I've got. I'm so glad your request is timed perfectly with my current addiction.
Nils Peter Nilsson born 5 Mar 1854, born in Vasby/Hoganas Parish (
map here) . His parents were Pehr Nilsson and Johanna Svensdotter.
Hoganas parish started out as a parish for those who worked at Hoganasbolaget (Hoganas Factory). If they didn't work in the factory, they belonged to Vasby Parish. A book I found in the Bond County library listed Nils as a shipbuilder, but he changed careers several times. Hoganas is a small town now and Pehr Nilsson was a "industrial worker".
Here's the sad part: In June of 1868, Pehr and Johanna lost four of their children to scarlet fever. Hilda died June 13, Gustaf died June 19, Charlotta died June 22 and Emil died June 25th. They were aged 7, 1, 3 and 5. Can you imagine anything more horrible? No wonder Nils got on that boat.
The book I found in the Bond County library (it's in Greenville, IL) says that Nils Peter and his brother Charles emigrated to America from Hoganas, near Malmo in Sweden in 1875. The book says their motivation was the "world depression".
It says they entered America at New York, but Ellis Island would not have been open yet and I have had no luck finding any specific ship records for them. (Even on "official" stuff, I've found Nilsson spelled about six different ways.)
Here's more from the book: "They entered America at New York. Not finding work, they went to New Orleans by ship to build riverboats. In New Orleans they met a member of the prominent Johnson family of Bond County who offered them land to rent. Before going to Bond county, they went to Minnesota. They did not stay. Nils said it was too Swedish."
In 1880, Nils Peter brought his parents over from Sweden and also married Almira File. Nils Peter, Almira, Pehr and Johanna are all buried in Robinson Cemetery at Old Ripley near Pocahontas.
Wanna know how tough Nils Peter was?? He was 86 years old and suffering from cataracts when he was hit by a car on old Hwy 40, which is now Interstate 70. He was hit on July 13, 1940. He suffered a fractured skull and a double fracture of the right leg.
He didn't die until September.
Tell me if this reminds you of anyone you know: "Nils was an active mason, active in his church, president of the school board when the original brick school was built and a county trustee. He was truly a pillar of the community"
I'll be scanning some photos of Nils Peter and Almira in the next couple of days and will post them. I'm having so much fun doing this family history; can't wait to show you all everything.
Thanks for asking!! =) Hope you all are having a good week!
Oh - and btw - HAPPY 54TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to Mary and Norm on Thurs!