HI Gang!
Tom - the UPS man just delivered your book. It was quite the rush! Ian has a buddy over and it was so cute to hear him go on and on about how "that's my uncle! my middle name is Nilsson! On the back he says he lives with his three kids and I know them! They are my cousins!" etc etc. Very exciting to have your book, can't wait for you to sign it!
Attended one of the nation-wide "tea party" protests today at the foot of the Arch...we conservatives aren't used to protesting much but it was great fun. KMOX was expecting 50 people to show up but we ended up with about 1000 (the news will probably say it was 'dozens') Here's a video link.
Jack got braces yesterday and was a real trooper about it. He's currently eating lots of pudding and jello and I have him really jacked up on Advil. He looks so much older already.
Hope you all have a great weekend planned -!!! -julie
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