Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Any interested readers out there?

OK -- I've got another manuscript that I have finished and will begin sending out in hopes of getting it published. Would any of you be interested in reading it. I promise it is not as long as The Redemption of Chance which was 270,000 words. This one is just a few redundant adjectives shy of 120,000. It is tentatively called The Sombrero Beach Club.

I know we have all read those stories of the beautiful femme fatale who uses some poor sap. But what if she was actually the one being used in someone else's grander game? So begins the tale of Ross Gaines, former minor leaguer and owner of The Sombrero Beach Club and the gorgeous Tyler Scott, newly hired corporate attorney for the Copeland Group, Inc. of Marathon, Florida. As it turns out the Copelands want to buy the club and guess who they decide is to lead their side of the negotiations? Will the burgeoning relationship between Ross and Tyler be able to survive such a turn of events? And what do the Copelands really have planned for the club?

I can e-mail a word document version of this to anyone willing to read it with a discerning eye and edit it accordingly. Let me know if here are any takers.

Thanks -- Tom


Jeff said...

Hey Tom,
I'd love to read it. I probably won't be able to start until next week, but I'll have tons of free time after that.

Mrs. K. said...

Hi Tom -
I will have plenty of free time starting June 3. Please send a copy - I'm looking forward to reading it!

Julie Smith said...

oooh my free time started three weeks ago!! (hence the genealogy craziness) So yes I would love a copy. Please send to
