Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday night at the computer

So anyway, both Blake and Drew had basketball practice tonight. Blake goes with me to Drew's practice and acts as my assistant coach. The only problem is that she wants to do more drills with the team than Drew does. But he wasn't too keen on soccer at the beginning and finally came around to where he was the first one to practice and games and the last to leave.

Soccer is over and now we are focused on basketball. There is one thing I've noticed at once: being small at soccer is not a hinderance like being small at basketball. He may be the first guy in history to score more goals in soccer than points in basketball.

But I digress. Right now it is 10:15 and on the Mac I have a file open that is the coolest thing ever. And I'm not kidding you. It is the coolest thing EVER. I am proofreading the e-mailed pdf galleys for The Redemption of Chance by Tom Nilsson. I am so jazzed to see it in electronic form that I may just pass right out when I actually touch a book. I have a copywright -- I know, Mimi, it's not quite a patent -- but I also have an ISBN number. So next time you are at the Library of Congress look up ISBN: 1-60703-711-4. This is so cool. I know Monica won't read this for awhile so I want you all to know that if they will allow me to do a dedication, I'm going to dedicate the book to her. She has gone above and beyond to help me find time to write and for that I must thank her. Oh, and she is doing it again. The Sombrero Beach Club is currently in the works and I am six chapters in already.

Lastly, Happy Birthday Mom! I will talk to you tomorrow. That is if I can find you.

Bye for now, Tom


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