Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Long Weekend in England for Julie

Had a chance to finally get a stamp in the ol' passport that I've been carrying around and went to England this weekend with my friend Cathy. (Remember her? She's my friend Julie Korenak's sister the photographer - she did M&N's 50th anniversary photos)

It was fabulous. We spent one night in the countryside (see that farmhouse? That was our bed & breakfast) and then two nights in London.

If I am lucky enough to see any of you at Christmas, I will show you the rest of the photos. It was a fabulous experience and I really am the luckiest girl in the whole, wide world.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


First, Matt and Mattie the dog! They make a great pair.
Second, our group at the most ridiculous Christmas parade ever. THERE WERE NO BANDS! Santa received a great cheer -- mostly because the parade was over. All in all, we had a great weekend and hope to have the rest of you here with us next time! (We promise we won't go to that parade again!) Happy December
